燙傷,切傷,水泡,蚊蟲咬,擦傷 皮膚龜裂等等.. LUCAS' PAPAW OINTMENT成份很天然, 是由發酵過的木瓜製成的。 官網指出LUCAS' PAPAW
純天然木瓜軟膏是由澳洲的純天然木瓜煉製而成, 亦被列為澳洲的註冊治療產品。
Lucas 純天然木瓜軟膏的抗菌性能,適用於以下作局部外敷用途:
- 嘴唇乾裂
- 輕微擦傷及燒傷
- 割傷
- 皮疹及痱子
- 輕微的傷口
- 尿濕疹
- 燙傷
- 曬傷
- 刺傷
- 膿瘡及皮下膿腫
- 手足的乾裂皮膚
- 蚊叮蟲咬
- 粉刺
- 損傷腫脹
- 癬及指頭炎
- 乳頭乾裂
- 暫時性舒緩皮膚炎及濕疹
- 局部外敷可暫時性舒緩痔瘡引起之不適
許可證及註冊 - 澳洲註冊治療產品 (ARTG)
ARTG No. AUST L 13397:64445 Lic No.99Lucas Papaw Ointment may be used for temporary relief of
the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema.
- Minor Bruises & Burns
- Chafing
- Cuts
- Gravel Rash & Heat Rash
- Minor Open Wounds
- Scalds
- Sunburn
- Splinters and Thorns
- Abscesses and Boils
- Dry and cracked skin on hands and feet
- Insect Stings and Mosquito Bites
- Pimples
- Swelling associated with injury
- Splinters and Thorns
- Tinea and Whitlow
- Nappy Rash and Cracked Nipples
- Temporary relief of the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema
- Temporary relief of the discomfort of haemorrhoids by local application
It is safe for use on infants and children.
Permits & Registration - Listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods
ARTG No. AUST L 13397:64445 Lic No.99